Thursday, July 17, 2014

Week of Oils day 4 The Safety Day

Welcome back once again.

Thanks for coming back for another day of essential oils week. We have been spending the past week talking all about essential oils. Monday we talked about WHAT the heck essential oils are and WHAT to so with them. Tuesday was all about knowing WHO makes/produces your essential oils and why it is important to only use pure 100% theraputic grade oils. Yesterday I shared my WHY of essenital oils, why I began using them and why I believe in them so much. Today we are going to talk a little safety facts and WHEN to use caution with essential oils. So come on, let's get started......

So we have already talked about how essentil oils, REAL essential oils, are natural, organic, pure ways to take care of yourself and your family. However it needs to be addressed that these oils are very powerful and can have adverse reactions with some Rx drugs, people with certain health conditions, pregnant or nursing women and in young children if not used properly. The best way to explain this is to look at Lemon oil. It takes about 3,000 lemons to produce 2 lbs of Lemon essential oil......that's a lot of lemons. So you can imagine how powerful these oils are if it takes that much just to get a few lbs. 

So WHEN do you need to cautious with using essential oils? First let me say that none of what I am saying here is meant to diagnose, treat or replace the advice of your doctor. Especially if you are currently taking meditations. You should always talk to your doctor before you begin any new treatment plans, even all natural ones like essential oils. 

Young Children

As I mentioned yesterday all this oil craze began for us with a search for a more natural way to treat/cure my oldest's daughter's eczema. In general it is totally safe to us essential oils on children. However there are times when it is not advised. Children under 5 should not use Peppermint, Rosemary or Eucalyptus. Children under 12 should not use Wintergreen or Birch. This is because these oils are some of the more potent oils, especailly when inhaled, and can cause respiratory distress in very young children. Eucalyptus can over stimulate the central nervous system in very young children. These are very rare situations but it is best to be aware that while these oils are natural, they are VERY strong and need to be treated with respect. Also never let young children play with oils or apply them to themselves or others. I let Mischief, who is almost 7, apply her own oils but she is well versed in their uses and potency. She knows what happens when you accidentally get Thieves on your chest instead of RC.......(big Momma boo-boo)

Pregnant and Nursing women    

As with many things using certain oils during pregnancy is a no-no. The most common is Peppermint and Wintergreen (and blends that contain them) for pain, headaches, nausea among other things. However it is not recommended to use Peppermint or Wintergreen during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy because it can cause they baby to turn. Also this applies to nursing moms as these oils can cause a decrease in milk supply.  

High Blood Pressure or Epileptics 

Those taking Rx meds for high blood pressure or anti-seizure medications need to use caution with high ketone oils such as Basil, Rosemary, Sage and Tansy oils. While there are very few documented cases of adverse drug interactions with using essential oils it is always advised to consult your doctor before making any changes/additions to your healthcare plan.  

Citrus Oils

These oils have some of the most pleasing smells and can be used in dozens of applications. We must take caution however because they are photosensitive, meaning they can make your skin more prone to burn, dark pigmentation or rash when used topically and then exposed to sunlight. I have been using Lemon oil as part of my daily allergy trio for over a year and have not experienced any photo sensitivity but this precaution mainly applies to the topical application.....or when used directly on the skin. So if you are going to make a yummy lemon sugar body scrub just don't go sunbathing for a few days after. Also while I have yet to find any scientific studies that prove this, I has been told to me by educated people that those taking heart medications, psychiatric drugs or immune suppressants should avoid Grapefruit oil. There are known issues with these patients DRINKING grapefruit juice but there is no research or evidence that Grapefruit oil has the same effects but better to air on the side of caution and use another type of citrus oils like Lemon or Lime. 

Eyes and Ears

You should NEVER put essential oils into the eyes or ears. Do not handle your contact lenses after using an essential oil on your hands.......ask me how I know this. OUCH! If accidental eye contact occurs DO NOT flush with water. The old saying of water and oil don't mix.....well it applies here. Water will actually make it worse and just spread the oil around. Instead rub the area with a neutral oil like olive, grapeseed or coconut oil. It should also be mentioned here that some oils are what we call "hot" oils. Cinnamon, Thieves, Clove, Oregano, Peppermint among others can cause a hot/burning/tingling sensation when applied directly to the skin with no dilution. Again if this occurs apply a neutral oil to the area until the sensation subsides. 

When used properly essential oils can be life changing, the certainly have for me and my family. Just always keep in mind that these oils are very powerful, wonderfully so but powerful none the less and must be used with common sense and caution. I hope this gives you a good basic idea of WHEN to use the oils and WHEN to exercise caution with them. If you have questions on what to use in place of some of these listed oils leave me a comment. There a several alternatives to use if one of these is not an option for you or a family member. Come back tomorrow for the last day of the Week of Oils and learn WHERE you can get your hands on these amazing little bottles. There also might be a giveaway.....just sayin'.

Till next time 

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