Thursday, July 31, 2014

She's an American Girl

 A place for everything and everything in its place. 

Like most young girls her age in the universe Mischief is in LOVE with her American Girl doll. While her doll isn't an official AG doll (she's getting one for Christmas....shhhhhh don't tell) she has tons innumerable a boatload of the accessories and clothes. So to try and contain the clutter I came up with this pretty sweet idea to re-purpose an old bookcase. Check it out.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Summer Showoffs Review

One of the things I want/hope to do with this blog is highlight really wonderful things or groups so that others can discover them. All summer my Mischief has been in various summer camps but the one she waits for.....the one we MUST do every summer.....the one we register for in DECEMBER is Summer Showoffs!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 5 Week of Oils....Where oh where can I get these oils??!

Today is the last day in our Week of Oils. Are you tired of hearing about essential oils yet? No? Good because you shouldn't be...they are amazing. Today is going to be short and sweet, as I am on vacation and an umbrella drink is calling my name.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Week of Oils day 4 The Safety Day

Welcome back once again.

Thanks for coming back for another day of essential oils week. We have been spending the past week talking all about essential oils. Monday we talked about WHAT the heck essential oils are and WHAT to so with them. Tuesday was all about knowing WHO makes/produces your essential oils and why it is important to only use pure 100% theraputic grade oils. Yesterday I shared my WHY of essenital oils, why I began using them and why I believe in them so much. Today we are going to talk a little safety facts and WHEN to use caution with essential oils. So come on, let's get started......

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Week of Oils Day but really WHY?!?!?!

Welcome back. 

So glad to see you back today. If you are just finding me, I am spending a week talking about one of my life's passions.....essential oils. Monday we began by talking about just WHAT the heck essential oils are. Yesterday we discussed the importance of knowing WHO manufactors your oils. Today we are getting a little more personal.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week of Oils Day 2 The Who (not the band)

Welcome back, it's day 2 of our week of essential oils talks. Yesterday we talked WHAT essential oils are and WHAT they can be used for in your life. Today I wanted to talk about how important it is to know WHO your essential oils come from. In other words WHO is doing the distillation, the process of obtaining the oils, and what kind of quality control standards you should look for in your essential oils. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Essential oils aka what the heck are you rubbing on your neck

It’s all over your news feed, Twitter timeline and Instagram. People are talking about them and how they changed their lives BUT what the heck are essential oils anyway?!?!?

This week I will be posting all about essential oils. Today’s post is all about the WHAT of essential oils. What they are and more importantly what you can do with them.

So let’s get started……..

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Week of Essential Oils

Big News!!! 

All next week I will post the 5 Ws of one of my life's big passions, Essential Oils. If you ever wanted to know about the amazing qualities of essential oils tune in each day next week to learn more. 

Have a great weekend and stay safe. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

One Word Wednesday

When I was brainstorming ideas for this blog I wanted to try a running weekly post that would inspire other people and give you a little insight into this crazy brain of mine.

So I came up with One Word Wednesdays. Each Wednesday I will give you one word that I am making a focus for the remainder of the week. In a world where we have the attention span of a gnat, words can still be very powerful. Just look at all the blogs out there, full of words but do we ever really HEAR them. Do we let them sink in and cause a change in us, make us better, move us to action?

Monday, July 7, 2014

As American as apple pie

So last week was the 4th of July. I am fairly certain it is written in Southern law that you must consume LARGE amounts of apple pie on our nation's birthday. So I set out toward the land of Google to find an amazing recipe the my 2 girls could help me with.

Google failed me..........

They all had so much sugar and the dough recipes required a degree in astrophysics. So I decided to use my trusted pre-made dough and make up the filling as I went. What follows might be the most amazing and organically genius apple pie recipe of all time. Enjoy and God Bless America!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sit and have a chat won't you

coming soon

The REAL British invasion

coming soon