I remember exactly where I was. I remember the exact punched in the gut feeling I had when I called my Mom and told her to turn on the TV, something horrible was happening. I remember the thought that nothing would ever be the same again after this day. You don't have to tell me never forget.....I won't. But I also won't let the anniversary of what happened that day steal all my other days from now on.
One thing you should know about me, I am stubborn. Like really stubborn. It is one of the best and worst things about me. It can be a mountain mover when it needs to be and also a huge roadblock at others. I struggle to find the balance on a daily basis.
Today I think my stubborn streak is serving me pretty well. Today it has kept me from living in fear.
I woke up today knowing what it was. No one that was around 13 years ago needs to be reminded what today means. The whole world knows what today is. Even our enemies. They want nothing more than to keep the fear we felt that day at the forefront of our minds not only today but everyday. Well, they won't get mine!
The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is
the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1
See told you stubborn.
I have heard many people say how this day every year makes them scared, anxious, on high alert. While being extra vigilant is all well and good I will not let the threats of godless men take any day from me or my family ever again. They took too much 13 years ago. They will not take one more day.
I know many people who stayed home today. I know people who didn't send their kids to school today. Who won't go to the mall today, or the bank or anywhere else. They will change the way they live their lives, even for this one day, because of madmen who hate us for that very freedom we possess. All I can think is what did they tell their kids today about why they weren't going to school? Did they tell them it wasn't safe to go places today?
I sent my child to school today. I went to Target today. I went to lunch with Mayhem and we played and we LIVED! We did everything we do on any other day of the year. I refuse to let these terrible excuses for human beings control one second of our lives. I most certainly will not let them occupy a single thought of my children. My days are not my own anyway, they are borrowed from God
himself and I will treasure each one as the gift that it is. The plans
and schemes of evil men are not worth loosing one single day, not a single second.
All any terrorist be it ISIS, Al Qaeda or any other want is for us to negate the freedoms we have that they hate so much. They want us to live in fear of THEM. They want us to mistrust each other.
Hate to break it to you mister psychopath but you don't scare me. You do not have control over me or my family. Only God has that control and I trust Him and the plan he has for us completely. If I am supposed to leave this wicked Earth in a terrorist attack then that's how I have to go. If I am supposed to die peacefully in my bed then that's cool too. I will die one day and that does not scare me. I know my eternal home and do I do not fear death. Do I wish it to come, or course not, but I do not fear it.
For whether we live, we live to the Lord; and whether we die, we die to
the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. Romans 14:8
Many brave men and women have given their lives for the freedoms we enjoy, today and every day. Please do not disgrace that sacrifice my letting the very people they fought against win today. LIVE! Today and everyday until God says it's time to go. LIVE! Go to the movies, buy a car, play with your kids, kiss your spouse, take a trip. Whatever you do just LIVE!
I encourage all of you, remember the things that happened on this day all those years ago. But if you must linger on the happenings of that day, linger on the way we as a nation rose from the ashes. How people helped each. How first responders ran toward the burning buildings to find people trapped inside and bring them to safety. Remember the good. There is still good out there. Cling to it. Do not let the evil take one more mill-second from you. They aren't worth it.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is
just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if
there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think
about these things. Philippians 4:8
God Bless America
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