So I came up with One Word Wednesdays. Each Wednesday I will give you one word that I am making a focus for the remainder of the week. In a world where we have the attention span of a gnat, words can still be very powerful. Just look at all the blogs out there, full of words but do we ever really HEAR them. Do we let them sink in and cause a change in us, make us better, move us to action?
That is my goal with One Word Wednesdays. I want one simple word to, if nothing else, make you stop and think. Just think of it like Sesame Street for adults.
This episode of Ignore the Crumbs is brought to you by the word.......MOTIVATION
What motivates you? What are you motivated toward? A better job? Finishing a DIY project? Living a healthier lifestyle? Do you need a boost of self motivation? What can you do yo change your lack of motivation?
For me I am motivated by my kids. Those little boogers are ALWAYS watching and listening to everything I say/do. I am the first and brightest example in their lives of what a strong, driven woman looks like. I am the person who will teach them to go out into this big, sometimes scary world and make it better. I can not fail at this, that thought both motivates and terrifies me.
I strive to be a better Mom than I was yesterday. That's my MOTIVATION. What's yours?
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